MARVEL Junior Seminar — October 2024

Oct 18, 2024, from 12:15 until 13:15, Coviz2 (MED 2 1124), EPFL + Zoom

The MARVEL Junior Seminars aim to intensify interactions between the MARVEL Junior scientists belonging to different research groups – this is held in hybrid mode, in order to maintain in-person contacts and allow off-campus attendees to follow the seminars remotely! We are pleased to propose the 61st MARVEL Junior Seminar: Manuel Rudolph (Lab. of quantum information and computation, EPFL) and Davide Tisi (Lab. of computational science and modelling, EPFL) will present their research. The seminar will be chaired by Alessandro Carbone (Lab. of theory and simulation of materials, EPFL).

Each seminar consists of two presentations of 25 minutes each, allowing to present on a scientific question in depth, followed by time for discussion. The discussion is facilitated and timed by the chair.

Pizzas will be served after the seminars in order to facilitate discussions based on the talks just presented. 

Onsite participation

12:15 — Seminars take place in EPFL room Coviz2 (MED 2 1124)

~13:15 — Pizzas will be served in the MED building atrium, second floor

Online participation

Starting at 12:15:
Password: 1923 


Talk 1 — Variational quantum computing and classically simulability

Manuel Rudolph

Laboratory of quantum information and computation (QIC), EPFL

Quantum computers have been presented as a powerful new tool for various applications, but what these devices do operationally is often shrouded in mystery. In this talk, we will approach quantum computers from a classical simulation perspective. We will discuss various methods for simulating the outcomes of quantum computations, and which properties of quantum algorithms make them hard to reproduce classically. One particular focus will be a method called Pauli propagation, which is currently being pioneered by the group of Prof. Zoë Holmes at EPFL. By this, we will narrow down what quantum computers may be used for before and perhaps after quantum error correction becomes viable. 

Talk 2 —  Conductivities of SSE at hybrid DFT level: the machine learning way

Davide Tisi

Laboratory of computational science and modelling (COSMO), EPFL

Lithium ortho-thiophosphate (Li3PS4) is a promising solid-state electrolyte for batteries, yet the microscopic mechanisms governing Li-ion transport within it remain unclear. 
Moreover, no computational work has computed the thermal conductivity at the DFT level. In this talk, I will show how we build machine learning potentials trained over state-of-the-art DFT references (PBEsol, SCAN, and PBE0), to study the electrical [1] and thermal conductivity [2] of all the known phases of Li3PS4 (α, β and γ), for large system sizes and timescales. I will discuss the physical origin of the observed superionic behaviour of Li3PS4: where the  PS4 flipping drives a structural phase transition to a highly conductive phase, characterised by an enhancement of Li-site availability and by a drastic reduction in the activation energy of Li-ion diffusion. I will show the effect of the phase transition on both the electrical and thermal conductivity. We elucidate the role of inter-ionic dynamical correlations in charge transport by highlighting the failure of the Nernst-Einstein approximation to estimate the electrical conductivity. Finally, we will discuss how thermal conductivity presents two distinct behaviours: low and constant with temperature for the α and β phases, and a phonon-like behaviour for the γ phase.
[1] L. Gigli, D. Tisi, F. Grasselli and M. Ceriotti, Mechanism of Charge Transport in Lithium Thiophosphate, Chem.
Mater. 2024, 36, 1482−1496
[2] D. Tisi, F. Grasselli, L. Gigli and M. Ceriotti, Thermal conductivity of Li3PS4 solid electrolytes with ab initio accuracy, Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 065403, 2024

Check the list of the next MARVEL Junior Seminars here.

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