MARVEL Review and Retreat 2019
All details are available on the event website:
A note on posters
The full list of posters is available here.
Make sure you follow the guidelines regarding format and templates.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
09:00 Overview and introduction - Nicola Marzari
09:30 D&D 1: Organic Crystals - Michele Ceriotti
10:15 D&D 2: Metal Alloys - Bill Curtin
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 D&D 3: Low Dimensional Materials - Nicola Marzari
12:15 D&D 4: Nanoporous Materials - Berend Smit
13:00 Lunch + Poster Session: SAB review of posters
14:30 Inc 2: Machine Learning - Volker Roth
15:15 D&D 6: Topological Materials - Oleg Yazyev
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Inc 1: Solid-State Ionics - Teodoro Laino
17:15 D&D 5: Correlated Oxides - Nicola Spaldin
18:00 Aperitif + Poster Session: for collaborative discussion
Friday, September 6, 2019
09:00 OSP: AiiDA - Giovanni Pizzi
09:30 OSP: Materials Cloud - Giovanni Pizzi
10:00 OSP: Spectroscopies and data - Nicola Marzari
10:30 HPC and Future Architectures - Joost VandeVondele
11:00 Concluding remarks - Bill Curtin
11:15 Coffee and end
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